Tuesday 30 April 2013

Breakfast Topic: What do you do while you play?

Breakfast Topic What do you do while you play
A lot of us here at WoW Insider have been playing WoW for a long time -- and we suspect most of you have, too. A long enough time that parts of the game are, dare we say, boring. So while doing our dailies (again) or grinding an alt through a zone we've done half a dozen times before we admit, we're usually multitasking. Sometimes we'll have a movie or television show on, and others we might be reading email or catching up on RSS feeds in another window. It's not that we don't still love the game -- it's just how we stay sane while leveling our dozenth alt.

So, fellow WoW players, we pose this question: what else are you doing while you play WoW? Do you have a favorite television show to put on? A much-loved playlist? Twitter or Facebook in another window?

Tags: alt, alts, featured, game-discussion, gamer-discussion, multitasking, world-of-warcraft-discussion, world-of-warcraft-topics, wow-alts, wow-discussion, wow-hot-topics, wow-issues, wow-topics

Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Breakfast Topics

Source : http://wow.joystiq.com/2013/04/30/breakfast-topic-what-do-you-do-while-you-play/

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